It’s going to be another hot one. I took a turn through the garden with the camera and a cup of coffee to see what was on the agenda for the day.

There is one major bed that I will get to and clean out today, and then it’s ongoing maintenance time.

I’ll report on veggie garden progress tomorrow.

For now, enjoy the spectacle that is the Peonies and Clematis. The Peony hedge was one of the reasons I bought this house. They must be 30+ years old. These Clematis I planted just 2 years ago.

The scent of the peonies is lovely.









And the Clematis…



















The little white blossoms are from the black locust tree. It also lends its fragrance to the still summer air. They are a mess to clean out of the rain gutters!

Until next time, Keep Digging & Eat Well!