How good it is to be home again!

The Student is 1 (3 down!) exam away from her CPA so we took a little road trip to Alabama and Tennessee to see some of her relatives. Six days – three cites (though calling Bumpus Mills Tennessee a city is a stretch) and 1500 miles later we are home.  It was good to see kin, eat BBQ (3x in less than 48 hours) in Memphis and spend time just enjoying the scenery. Those gardens  on the homesteads in the south make what we’re doing  up here look pretty insignificant.

While we drove through some torrential rains, and it rained five of the six days where we were, I  was watching the home weather reports and nary a drop fell here (we’ve only had .01″ of rain since May 9th).  I had arranged for a garden buddy to water at least twice while we were gone but had no idea what we would find upon or return.

It was very dry. Dusty almost. And while everything survived, it probably could have done with more water still. I walked about, taking stock and watering while stretching my legs after 8+ hours in the car for the final leg.

I pulled the garlic as the foliage was drying out. That first picture is the best head I grew. As it was my first time, I didn’t know what to expect and have heads from very small  that I’ll use up in the next days to more commercial sizes that I’ll dry  and store. Here they are sorted.












Here  is my first head of broccoli. I’ve never grown it before so I am rather excited about it.



The tomatoes are blooming and the Rutgers has fruit.










Zucchini and crooked neck squash showing some promise.


















Bean “Romano” growing up its teepee. That’s another one behind it and some Dragon Tongue just starting out.













There are other going’s on, and we’ll get to them later – I’ve got a lot to do today. I hope your garden is doing well, and you are getting some (but not too much!) rain.

Until next time, Keep Digging and Eat Well!