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Baby it’s cold outside

All I can say is wow.


I’ve not seen the likes of this weather in ages.

Snow isn’t the issue as I live “in town.”  A foot or more on the …
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Buckwheat, Kale and Roasted Root Vegetable Toss
11 years ago

Buckwheat, Kale and Roasted Root Vegetable Toss

After three months of no kitchen and way too much take out food, I was finally able to make what my body has been craving. Warm Buckwheat and kale tossed with oven roasted root vegetables.

It started with a floor tile
11 years ago

It started with a floor tile

So it is time for an update. The last post was back on September 22nd – almost three months. I tend to be somewhat single tracked, so a big project …
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Can you can? Sure you can!
11 years ago

Can you can? Sure you can!

Need some resources to get started canning? Check this out….

Holiday Monday

Where have you been GG? I’m telling you…

Gazpacho Salad
12 years ago

Gazpacho Salad

When you’re overrun with produce – here’s a cool refreshing salad that’ won’t heat up your kitchen and tastes of summer! Tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers combine for the tastes of that cold Spanish soup, without the spoon.

Mid August 2013 update (video)

By  •  Garden, Video

It’s mid August – Here’s what’s happening in my garden – how is your garden growing?

2013 Tomato Varieties
12 years ago

2013 Tomato Varieties

By  •  Garden

From sauce to salad to slicing to specialty, here are the tomatoes the Gastronomic Gardener is growing this year

Shakshuka –  Ratatouille Redux
12 years ago

Shakshuka – Ratatouille Redux

A riff on traditional Shakshuka with eggs poached in a rich tomato sauce bolstered by with seasonal vegetables typically found in Ratatouille.
