It’s early, but the garden is starting to grow. Take a look at some early spring progress.
The old adage, “If it grows together it goes together” was never more true in this early spring combination of Ramps and Fiddlehead ferns.
Inspirational TED talk by Ron Finley – South LA Guerilla Gardener
Take another look at that old fence you’re replacing. If it’s weathered, some simple cuts and some nails can repurpose it into rustic planter, or country style shelves.
Compost is key to organic gardening, but what’s really happening in the pile?
Replacing two old beds and adding two new ones has left me aching but satisfied.
Should it bother me that I didn’t nurture the plants from seed to harvest? Am I less of a gardener because I bought a plant start?
Pssst….. Hey Kid…. kid! Yeah you….. C’mere…. Look here, I’ve got some radish seeds….
Seems there are some folks that lament children don’t eat their vegetables, and are more interested in video games, …
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