It’s that time of year again when the produce is mounting up and you can either be overrun by it or be putting it up for later. As you know I am a big fan of canning. It’s old-school, and doesn’t depend on electricity to keep it safe.
My three favorite books (click on the links to buy them) for canning include:
Ball’s Blue Book guide to preserving– possibly the best starter book out there. Great for beginners. Up to date and easy to follow.
Preservation Kitchen by Chef Paul Virant. Excellent and varied recipes – small batch measurements – easily scalable. With recipes incorporating your preserved food, it’s a great inspiration.
Growing and Canning Your Own Food by Jackie Clay – a no nonsense, down home guide to canning everything including meat. Don’t look for this on Amazon, no idea why it is $500, when on the originating site it is only $25
While I could go into the basics of canning, I’ll direct you to one of my favorite sites to learn abut canning. is a great site, especially if you’re looking to find you-pick-it farms in your state, this is site you should bookmark. But to me, one of the great services this site provides is the clear instructions and advice to getting started canning. Don’t let the ads put you off, click the links below and scroll down. You will not be disappointed!
I hope you find these links and books helpful, I know I did.
Until Next Time, Eat well & Keep Digging
These links to Amazon, Backwoods Home, and Pick Your Own .org are provided as a courtesy, I receive no benefit whatsoever for posting them.
September 22, 2013
Your point about preserved food that doesn’t require electricity is a good one. Far too many people rely too much upon their freezers. Even in the 21st century the electricity supply in the most modern of countries is far from secure.
September 22, 2013
I’ve heard too many stories about people throwing out food after a power outage.
September 22, 2013
I canned potatoes today. Just 7 quarts but it is still 7 quarts that I didn’t have before. I can potatoes because it makes them easier for us to use after work. Nobody wants to peel potatoes after work, lol. I have an old Better Homes and Gardens canning (paperback) book that I use most of the time but I have the Ball Blue Book too and Putting Food By. Had not heard of the Preservation Kitchen.
September 22, 2013
Becky I think you’d really enjoy Jackie Clay’s book.
September 27, 2013
The link with the Jackie Clay book appears to be broken.
September 28, 2013
Thanks Dan – Fixed it