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2015 growing season recap and plans for 2016
9 years ago

2015 growing season recap and plans for 2016

By  •  Garden

Happy New Year!

The seed catalogs are starting to come in, so it is a good time to reflect back on 2015, and look forward to 2016.

2015 was a …
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End of June Update
9 years ago

End of June Update

By  •  Garden

Take a look at the gastronomic Gardeners suburban garden as it is in June 2015

Thanksgiving, and a Tale of Three Gardens (Why now is the right time to get started)
10 years ago

Thanksgiving, and a Tale of Three Gardens (Why now is the right time to get started)

By  •  Garden

Thanksgiving, a high-tech garden, a high altitude garden, humble beginnings and how to get started.

Yet another view on composting – or teaching an old dog new tricks
11 years ago

Yet another view on composting – or teaching an old dog new tricks

By  •  Garden, Video

Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks. Here’s a TEDx video that turns a lot of what I believe about composting upside down.

Mid August 2013 update (video)

By  •  Garden, Video

It’s mid August – Here’s what’s happening in my garden – how is your garden growing?

2013 Tomato Varieties
11 years ago

2013 Tomato Varieties

By  •  Garden

From sauce to salad to slicing to specialty, here are the tomatoes the Gastronomic Gardener is growing this year

It’s getting to be that time….

By  •  Garden

It’s that time when the garden threatens to run away from you. Miss a cucumber or zucchini in the evening and find a monster in the morning!

July 1 update (video)

By  •  Garden, Video

About six weeks after planting, it’s the calm before the storm. Everything’s growing very well and it’s only a matter of time before I have more produce than I can handle!

Bad Bunny

By  •  Rant, Garden

The Garden is under assault by nefarious elements of the woodland community.
