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It’s getting to be that time….

By  •  Garden

It’s that time when the garden threatens to run away from you. Miss a cucumber or zucchini in the evening and find a monster in the morning!

July 1 update (video)

By  •  Garden, Video

About six weeks after planting, it’s the calm before the storm. Everything’s growing very well and it’s only a matter of time before I have more produce than I can handle!

Bad Bunny

By  •  Garden, Rant

The Garden is under assault by nefarious elements of the woodland community.

How Compost improves Sandy and Clay soils (video)
12 years ago

How Compost improves Sandy and Clay soils (video)

By  •  Garden, Video

Adding compost to Sandy OR Clay soils improves soils structure for both but for different reasons.

Black Tomatoes and other Garden updates

By  •  Garden

A quick vegetable garden update from late May.

Early Progress and a Freeze Warning

By  •  Garden

It’s early, but the garden is starting to grow. Take a look at some early spring progress.

Feeling crafty
12 years ago

Feeling crafty

By  •  DIY

Take another look at that old fence you’re replacing. If it’s weathered, some simple cuts and some nails can repurpose it into rustic planter, or country style shelves.

What happens in the compost pile
12 years ago

What happens in the compost pile

By  •  Garden

Compost is key to organic gardening, but what’s really happening in the pile?

Bed Rebuild and Expansion

By  •  Video, Garden

Replacing two old beds and adding two new ones has left me aching but satisfied.
