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Cucumber Roll with Ginger, Tomato,  Asparagus and Enoki Mushroom
8 years ago

Cucumber Roll with Ginger, Tomato, Asparagus and Enoki Mushroom

Inspiration is where you find it. I make no secret of my love for food-centric media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, Amazon Prime, magazines and books feed my habit. If it …
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Samosa Inspired Potato Skins (vegan)
8 years ago

Samosa Inspired Potato Skins (vegan)

I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t like samosas. That spiced potato filled pocket of goodness that seems to be a requirement at every Indian meal I’ve eaten. I love the …
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Beet Carpaccio with Orange Cashew Cream and Mandarin (vegan)
8 years ago

Beet Carpaccio with Orange Cashew Cream and Mandarin (vegan)

I love beets, whether in a salad or simply roasted or in the classic combination of beets with orange and red onion.

Today I’m riffing on the flavors of the …
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Avocado tartar with Citrus Supremes
9 years ago

Avocado tartar with Citrus Supremes

March can be a cruel month in the Chicago area. There is the potential for balmy days with zephyr’s teasing promise of summer, or it can be cold and raw, …
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Blistered Shishito Peppers with Salt
9 years ago

Blistered Shishito Peppers with Salt

This may be the simplest recipe I’ve ever posted, but just because it is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t good!

I had blistered and salted Shishito peppers for the first …
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Mocki-Roll with Chard and Quinoa
10 years ago

Mocki-Roll with Chard and Quinoa

For a cool meal with a little “Wow factor” try these “mocki-rolls.” I substituted steamed Swiss chard for Nori and quinoa for rice. Fillings are limited only by your imagination. …
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Super Creamy Hummus
11 years ago

Super Creamy Hummus

Baking soda softens chickpeas – allowing you to peel them and make a super creamy hummus.

Gazpacho Salad
11 years ago

Gazpacho Salad

When you’re overrun with produce – here’s a cool refreshing salad that’ won’t heat up your kitchen and tastes of summer! Tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers combine for the tastes of that cold Spanish soup, without the spoon.

Cheesy Quinoa Cakes
12 years ago

Cheesy Quinoa Cakes

Funny how the weather is. Last year at this time it was in the low 80’s. This week, in the 20’s and 30’s. The garden is still drab and frozen, …
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