Garden in Transition
I suppose it is always in transistion. One of the goals when I started, was to always have something in bloom from thaw through frost. Here we are in early June, the shrub roses are far past peak, bearded iris are done, tulips and crocii a distant memory.
So what is there to look forward to? I took a walk and here is what I found.
The Clematis is starting to take off. The oldest and largest of the five in the garden.
A side shot of the west sun bed. The little iris, coreopsis, and Knock-out roses are doing their thing.
The Iris make me think of birds in flight.
The Knock-outs are very reliable and the only rose I have that will go all summer long.
While the coreopsis has not bloomed yet, it is about to and is interesting.
Moving on to the back garden the lilies have bloomed with all the rain. Tucked in, they are one of the oldest plants in the garden.
Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up. (Name the movie, and get props on the blog!)
No, closer.
One plant that I continue to enjoy is a bi-annual foxglove, but not sure, it’s been 3 years. Not as impressive as the foxglove on the west walkway, it is lovely in its own aspect.
On the way to the west walkway, there is magical door in the ivy at the base of the black locust tree. If you are very patient, something wonderful might happen. But such is life, or?
Out on the west walk the Beardtongue is in bloom. Only the second year, but is seems to like it here.
Like snow drifts in summer.
So there we are for now. I wonder what happens next?