Your garden never ceases to amaze, Dave. You put a lot of work into it and it shows. Thanks for taking the time to put together this video for us.
July 8, 2013
David Offutt
And thank you John, for recognizing the effort both in the garden and the work to produce the videos… It is fun, and though there is a learning curve I do hope folks are enjoying them!
July 18, 2013
Miss Bougie
Thanks so much for posting, David. This is what a veggie patch should look like at this time of the year! Your bell pepper really looks good. Mine are a catastrophe this year. Our spring was way to wet and cold. Everything is behind in maturity. Don’t know if there are going to be any beans, either;
Keep up the good work with your video posts. I enjoy them very much.
July 18, 2013
David Offutt
Thanks for the Kind Words… it is even more muscular now just 14 days later. I’m still waiting for peppers and tomatoes to ripen but the fruit is there.
July 6, 2013
Great garden tour! It’s looking great, and I’ll bet your harvests are tasting great as well.
July 7, 2013
They are very sweet Granny! Not showing everything because I wan to keep the length down. But I hope to do this monthly.
July 8, 2013
Your garden never ceases to amaze, Dave. You put a lot of work into it and it shows. Thanks for taking the time to put together this video for us.
July 8, 2013
And thank you John, for recognizing the effort both in the garden and the work to produce the videos… It is fun, and though there is a learning curve I do hope folks are enjoying them!
July 18, 2013
Thanks so much for posting, David. This is what a veggie patch should look like at this time of the year! Your bell pepper really looks good. Mine are a catastrophe this year. Our spring was way to wet and cold. Everything is behind in maturity. Don’t know if there are going to be any beans, either;
Keep up the good work with your video posts. I enjoy them very much.
July 18, 2013
Thanks for the Kind Words… it is even more muscular now just 14 days later. I’m still waiting for peppers and tomatoes to ripen but the fruit is there.