Two things came together to bring you this post. 1) I needed to clear out the “weeds” from one of the beds from last year and, 2) I was reading Hank Shaw’s Hunter Angler Gardener Cook  and he was talking about lambs-quarters. Those previously mentioned weeds  were primarily  lambs-quarters, so while I could just add them to the compost pile, I’m not generally one to pass up free food!

Lambs-quarters is a widespread green through out North America and Europe. In fact, there’s a good chance there is some in your yard right now!

So I picked it, washed and (mostly dried) it and chopped some more of the chive blossoms I’ve been working my way through.








A little oil in a pan, some garlic, add the chives, saute, add the greens and about 1/8 cup hot water, reduce heat and put lid on it. The greens will wilt quickly similar to spinach, and retain their bright color.

Add a pinch of salt, and a grating of Parmesan.








These slighty bitter greens were a welcome addition to a simple weeknight meal.








Be sure to identify any wild greens before eating them. But if you do, sometimes a great dish is right under your nose!

Until next time, Eat Well & Keep Digging!