Before I got into growing vegetables, I had a passion for perennials. I guess we never forget our first love…. even as we turn our attention elsewhere.

Puttering in garden this morning I was reminded again of the effort that initially went into making this place more appealing.












One of the earliest tulips I planted - still going 10 years later!

More tulips, you can see the peony beds to the right that I cleaned out yesterday.
This interesting one doesn’t have “flowers”  but is very pretty nonetheless.
Beards tongue – the red is especialy appealing.
The monster 6′ lilies have emerged.
Walking ’round the back to the shade garden more blooms greet me. This is one of my favorite times of year in this cool moist area. The ferns are emerging, the bleeding hearts are stretching out, the hellebores remain in bloom and the pulmonaria are at their peak!


See the ant on the maple blossom? I didn’t notice it when I snapped the picture.
Finally, it’s all just so green and lush,  and while there are blossoms – the real stars are the varied foliage.
It’s too soon to put out veggies, but these flowers remind me of how wonderful it is to garden.
Keep Digging and Eat Well!