Sad to say, but I’ve been neglecting my garden. Today  I managed to get about a third of the garden weeded. I’m thankful I have two more days to finish it up.  I worked on the front and the side gardens.

If you haven’t gone back to the beginning of the blog, I put in the side garden last year (2009). It had been a vacant spot, but with some free river rock and 12 days off I managed to create a nice entrance to the back garden.

Even neglected, the garden is doing it’s thing. I was mindful to put in drought tolerant plants that can withstand the heat on the west side of the house. I also walked around to see what might be interesting to look at.

I like the “Hens and Chicks” – they do well and don’t need much attention.










This sedum is in bloom, it has a creeping rather than upright habit. The sprays of tiny blossoms are a welcome burst of color this time of year.










As I was weeding I noticed this little rabbit. It was maybe 6 inches long. It was hiding under the rudbeckia. I managed to run in the house for the camera in time to capture these shots. I had to lie down in order to see it.  I get a kick out of the wild animals that come and visit.










Finished with the side garden. I like the way it beckons you to the back.










I walked in back to see what else I might find. I was pleasantly surprised to find a lone blossom on this clematis. I had thought that it was done for the season.










This time of year the rudbeckia drifts are in their prime. It contrasts nicely with the Russian sage.










High up in the roses, a single blossom was bobbing in the breeze.










And finally, the phlox continues to flourish. It’s a tight shot as I need to get to the insidious bindweed that has invaded from the neighbors yard. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll show you a wider shot once the bed is cleaned out.










I hope you enjoy this little view into my garden. Tomorrow promises to be a big day with more weeding and a trip to the garden plot.

Until then, Keep Digging & Eat Well!

The Gastronomic Gardener