Mid March.

By all reckoning it should be cool, lows in the upper 20’s, highs in the 40’s and 50’s.  After a nearly non-existent winter in this part of the country, I wasn’t sure what to expect but I sure didn’t expect this. Low 80’s? In March? We could still have snow by the calendar!  We’ve had about a 10 days stretch of record setting temps, and it’s not supposed to abate until late next week, with only moderate chance of rain until then.

I hate to be a wet blanket for all the folks that are loving this weather, but……  Warm and low moisture is not  a good combination for the garden. Frankly I’m a bit concerned. We can only take what nature gives us, but I’ll be monitoring this situation closely!

Now to brighten things up a bit I took a walk about in the garden, and despite the warm temps we’re only about a week ahead of schedule.  Finally there is color!

These little iris are one of my favorites. Well, really everything here is, as this burst of life is always welcome after the drabness of winter.









Here’s a cheerful miniature landscape.









The different crocuses (crocii?) are lovely in the morning sun.









In the back, the hellebore shyly bows her face.









C’mon, look at me.









In the vegetable garden, the garlic I started back in late autumn is out from under the straw blanket and has greened up nicely in the warm weather. Notice the crocus (in the middle) and tulip (top right) that have forced their way through the groundcloth and up through the bed! This what happens when you put in raised beds where you once had flowers. 









This kale overwintered just fine. I’ll be harvesting it before I top off the beds with compost.









I better get busy as I have much work to do! Have a great weekend. How does your garden grow?

Keep Digging and Eat Well!