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Beet Carpaccio with Orange Cashew Cream and Mandarin (vegan)
8 years ago

Beet Carpaccio with Orange Cashew Cream and Mandarin (vegan)

I love beets, whether in a salad or simply roasted or in the classic combination of beets with orange and red onion.

Today I’m riffing on the flavors of the …
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The Beet goes on – Beet, Orange, and Red Onion Salad
14 years ago

The Beet goes on – Beet, Orange, and Red Onion Salad

I’ve grown more fond of beets as time goes on. From the oven roasted tiny jewels from last summer, to the Beet Ginger relish, I love the earthy flavor and beautiful …
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Oven Roasted Mahi Mahi, Creamed Beet Greens, fresh bread

Nothing fancy tonight, a bit of fish, some creamed beet greens and a bit of bread.

Some nice pieces of mahi mahi.

Salt & pepper and hot paprika Into a …
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Final Vegetable Plot Harvest – more beets!

By  •  Garden

After raking and shredding the leaves in the front yard, I bagged them up to take to the compost heap at the vegetable plot. We’ve started a new pile and …
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Oven Roasted Beets
14 years ago

Oven Roasted Beets

Back in late August we put in some radishes and beets. The radishes have all been harvested and eaten, and I have a few beets waiting to be roasted.  Simple …
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Homemade Beet and Ginger Relish
14 years ago

Homemade Beet and Ginger Relish

On Wednesday July 28 in the Chicago Tribune Good eating section there was an article by Bill Daley. In it he published a recipe for Beet and Ginger relish. It …
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