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Eggplant Tomato Relish
9 years ago

Eggplant Tomato Relish

I have a lot of eggplant, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and basil from the garden. I decide to make this relish again, the original post was from five years ago.

This …
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“Ratatouille” Napoleon
12 years ago

“Ratatouille” Napoleon

I spent yesterday canning pasta sauces, sambal oelek, and tomato eggplant relish. We had a big storm blow through but now that there are no trees to fall on the …
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Three Cheese Eggplant Rollatini with Homemade Ricotta
12 years ago

Three Cheese Eggplant Rollatini with Homemade Ricotta

I love eggplant,  fried, baked or smoked over an open fire, this ancient (first mentioned in Chinese texts about 544 AD)  fruit is versatile and delicious. Over the years I’ve …
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Saturday in the Garden

I find the stillness of the garden in early morning rejuvenating. With a cup of coffee in one hand, the camera in the other, I can take a look-see, pausing …
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13 years ago


I’ve made this before but my recent harvests rather demand it. One keen eyed observer even predicted it! But with tomatoes, peppers, onions, eggplant, crooked neck squash, basil and parsley …
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Ratatouille Panini
13 years ago

Ratatouille Panini

This time of year is great with all the produce in the garden or farmers market. One of my favorite things to make is ratatouille, that delicious vegetable stew featuring …
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Garden Thai-style Curry
13 years ago

Garden Thai-style Curry

The harvest in the garden is starting to come in, I was late getting home, so what to do? Just did a stir-fry, OK I’ll make a curry.

It is completely …
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Tomato Eggplant Ragu over Polenta with Roasted Red Pepper Coulis
13 years ago

Tomato Eggplant Ragu over Polenta with Roasted Red Pepper Coulis

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted a Meatless Monday dish. So hopefully I can make up for it with this simple yet elegant  dish.

Last summer I put …
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Apple Butter – a taste of autumn preserved!
14 years ago

Apple Butter – a taste of autumn preserved!

Yesterday the DW and I went out to an apple orchard to walk around, get some apples, and some apple cider donuts. The doughnuts were sublime, light, fluffy and warm, …
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