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Blistered Shishito Peppers with Salt
9 years ago

Blistered Shishito Peppers with Salt

This may be the simplest recipe I’ve ever posted, but just because it is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t good!

I had blistered and salted Shishito peppers for the first …
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Promises, Promises

On the cusp of veggie overload. What a wonderful “problem” to have!

It’s getting to be that time….

By  •  Garden

It’s that time when the garden threatens to run away from you. Miss a cucumber or zucchini in the evening and find a monster in the morning!

Black Tomatoes and other Garden updates

By  •  Garden

A quick vegetable garden update from late May.

Early Progress and a Freeze Warning

By  •  Garden

It’s early, but the garden is starting to grow. Take a look at some early spring progress.

Vegetable Torte
12 years ago

Vegetable Torte

An elegant yet simple dish, this torte is a vegetarian delight.

Radishes – the Gateway Vegetable
12 years ago

Radishes – the Gateway Vegetable

By  •  Garden

Pssst…..  Hey Kid…. kid! Yeah you….. C’mere…. Look here,  I’ve got some radish seeds….

Seems there are some folks that lament children don’t eat their vegetables, and are more interested in video games, …
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Easy Jamaican Peas and Rice
12 years ago

Easy Jamaican Peas and Rice

One of ubiquitous (it was on every buffet, morning, noon, and night) dishes on my recent holiday was beans and rice or more rightly as I was informed, Peas and …
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Brussels Sprouts in Spicy Citrus Vinaigrette
12 years ago

Brussels Sprouts in Spicy Citrus Vinaigrette

Brussels Sprouts as you’ve never had them. Bright, spicy, citrusy are long way from overcooked blobs of your childhood.
