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olive oil

The Beet goes on – Beet, Orange, and Red Onion Salad
14 years ago

The Beet goes on – Beet, Orange, and Red Onion Salad

I’ve grown more fond of beets as time goes on. From the oven roasted tiny jewels from last summer, to the Beet Ginger relish, I love the earthy flavor and beautiful …
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Fried chickpeas with Chorizo and Spinach
14 years ago

Fried chickpeas with Chorizo and Spinach

Straight from the New York Times’ (Wed Feb 24 2010) Mark Bittman (I am a fan), this simple dish was perfect on a cold night. The chorizo is the cured  & dried Spanish …
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Oven Roasted Beets
14 years ago

Oven Roasted Beets

Back in late August we put in some radishes and beets. The radishes have all been harvested and eaten, and I have a few beets waiting to be roasted.  Simple …
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Eggplant stuffed tomatoes

A reader send me a recipe for zucchini  stuffed tomatoes. Well, with today’s harvest, I decided to take that recipe and give it a twist to make use of what …
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Garlic Anchovy Pasta

Some of you may have strong negative reactions to anchovies. If so, skip this post.

Otherwise read on!

While at the Korean Market they had a big tasting table set up …
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Grilled Baby Octopus
14 years ago

Grilled Baby Octopus

After a shopping spree to Super H Mart – (which it turns out has been there for years, I’ve just been uninformed) I have some frozen baby octopus that I …
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