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Roses in bloom on a gray day

By  •  Garden

It’s a dreary morning, but not an unwelcome occasion following the blistering heat we had early in the week. The roses are nearly at their peak, the pinks are there …
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Setting out plants in the square foot garden

By  •  Garden

The seedlings in the sun room, are puny compared to the offerings at the store. Since I really only was successful with tomatoes and peppers, I proceeded to purchase tomatoes …
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Releasing Roses from Bondage

By  •  Garden

About seven – eight years ago, I planted the shrub roses in the back. They were small and tender, but not much to look at. In 2003 they were still quite …
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Saturday in the Perennial garden

By  •  Garden

Sad to say, but I’ve been neglecting my garden. Today  I managed to get about a third of the garden weeded. I’m thankful I have two more days to finish …
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Garden in Transition

By  •  Garden

I suppose it is always in transistion. One of the goals when I started, was to always have something in bloom from thaw through frost. Here we are in early June, …
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2009 – a new side garden and a color riot!

By  •  Garden

OK, so I couldn’t justify going through 2006-2008 – really more of the same, just bigger. A few plants did fail. After a few years of covering the arch and …
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More from 2005

By  •  Garden

Here we are again, and I’ve found a few more pics from 2005. I need to get up to date to begin 2010.

So here we are:



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2002 – Laying a foundation

By  •  Garden

This was the year I started on the indoor plants – some of which survive to this day! The boston fern which was a housewarming gift did not survive. This …
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