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tomato sauce

Quick Tomato Sauce and Pappardelle
14 years ago

Quick Tomato Sauce and Pappardelle

As opposed to the patient and sophisticated deep bass notes of a long simmered sauce, this sauce is brassy, loud and fresh as nineteen-year-old sailor on his first shore leave after three months at sea.

Add a handful of pungent basil fresh from the garden, a sprig of oregano and a couple cloves of garlic roughly chopped and you have the makings of a quickly prepared, brightly flavored weeknight meal.

Canned Marinara
14 years ago

Canned Marinara

The Romas are finally starting to come in, but there is not enough for a huge batch of sauce. I did however find a recipe for Marinara that only calls of …
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Ratatouille Panini
14 years ago

Ratatouille Panini

This time of year is great with all the produce in the garden or farmers market. One of my favorite things to make is ratatouille, that delicious vegetable stew featuring …
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Polenta and Red Sauce with Mushrooms and Onions

Another Meatless Monday, and what’s on hand?  Cornmeal, tomato sauce I canned in August, mushrooms, onions and decent Parmesan cheese. Not great cheese just decent. But these humble ingredients combione …
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