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West Chicago

It’s getting to be that time….

By  •  Garden

It’s that time when the garden threatens to run away from you. Miss a cucumber or zucchini in the evening and find a monster in the morning!

2012 Growing Season Recap

By  •  Garden

Vegetable gardening is full of variables. Temperature, moisture, frost free days, insect /pests, maintenance discipline and luck all play roles. I’m recapping 2012 here mainly as a record to myself. …
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Harvest Monday – 8/13/2012

Quick post today as I am running late. Only two pickings last week. It was pretty good interms of variety and quantity. The Romas probably have another 10-20lbs left but …
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Harvest Monday July 30th

I missed last weeks posting, it was a pretty good week. But here is what we picked since then.

Above is almost 10 lbs of tomatoes – ah the joys …
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2012 Late July Garden Status

Since I started blogging, I’ve not kept up with the garden journal so this post mainly serves as a record. This summer has been unusually hot and dry. We are …
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After the Storm

By  •  Garden

It’s been a week since the neighborhood was savaged by a ferocious storm. We lost two trees which will be missed. The big limbs came down in the garden, over …
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Saturday in the Garden

I find the stillness of the garden in early morning rejuvenating. With a cup of coffee in one hand, the camera in the other, I can take a look-see, pausing …
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Harvest 7/2/2011 & additional sowing

By  •  Garden

This isn’t that exciting but it helps me keep track…

The harvest this morning:










Cucumber – 1st one, the plants are …
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We Grow Dreams – Aquaponics Field Trip

As part of my reading and research into sustainable methods for personal food production, I have been collecting information about Aquaponics. Aquaponics is the intersection of Aquaculture (raising fish as …
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